Summer Sensation's...

Diary B-litter

13.09.2013: Because every litter-diary should end with an happy-ending, hope or new life... Welcome in Germany "Comics Whole Lotta Love"! When I told Charlotte about our misfortune she touched me with telling me about the litter of Rasmus sister Inca x Comics Acapulco... That litter with a pedigree which inspires me would have been a perfect little consolation... but because I still dream of a puppy out of April and the fact that I can't have two more dogs during the next year (because of my Master's degree in 2014) made me think about another possibility and let Charlotte now about that. With a smile in the one eye and a tear in the other... So yesterday we went to Hammarö all together and picked her up! The perfect little swedish princess is living half an hour away from my home with Doro & Sören where she will have a wonderful life and will be handled in work & show. Me as a "godmother" for "little red riding hood", I am looking forward with great expectation to see her developing and to have many nice moments together! Best wishes for and with her, lots of love and fun! Many thanks to Charlotte for trusting us, already looking forward to seeing you and your dogs again, especially my dream of a dog - Rasmus! :-) So I close this diary now without a perfect happy-ending but with a wonderful new life very close to me and full of hope for future litters...


28.08.2013: We got a report with eamination results of the stillborn puppies "The cause of death remains unclear. Possible are traumatic, genetic, toxic or infectious causes..." They couldn't find anything, that doesn't mean that there hasn't been anything, just that they can't find it anymore. We found a clostridia infection in Aprils output, she will get antibiotics for that now and we will check her blood because in the report it is said that something like that can happen because of "borrelia" (ticks) or lavae of "strongyliden". Lots of doctors and breeders try to reassure me and so I will wait and see if April will be healthy and fine next year and then I might try it a second (and last) time in 2014. My dream of a daughter out of my lovely girl goes on...

23.08.2013: April is doing fine and we had our first training for another hunting test which has been very promising!I was impressed by her condition and it was great to see her working and having fun!We still wait for results of the hospital, the only thing we know so far is that it hasn't been an infection with herpes.

16.08.2013: The stitches are removed and April is celebrating her life!It feels so good to see her happy like this... Next week we will start our training and I'm sure this will make her even more delighted!

12.08.2013: Slowly we are recovering from the sadness of the last week. April is doing really fine, she is playing with Julie and we go out a lot. We still wait for the results of the pathology.

07.08.2013: Thank you so much for all your word of comfort... There is no solace for me at the moment... but I appreciate your words for April, me and my kennel... I had so much love and hope for this litter... this combination was my dream... time will tell in which way I can keep on dreaming and hopefully live that dream...

06.08.2013: A fairy-tale without happy end... a black day for me, my family, my kennel and my little girl April... Her 4 puppies were not able to live... They were born dead and looked under-developed and one of them missbuilt... We were shocked because we could see the little hearts beating at the ultrasound... After two puppies who were born dead we drove to the vet and checked the other puppies... we still could see they hearts beating and we hoped to be able to save their lifes... but all my hope was gone... I send the puppies into the pathology to let them be checked... I am devastated and feel nothing but deep sadness...

29.07.2013: One week to go! April is doing fine and relaxed! We prepared the area for the puppies and everything is ready!

28.06.2013: Puppies inside!;-) We could see at least 4 little hearts and I'm so happy about it!

05.06.2013: We spent the last day before going back to Germany at the top of the Taberg near Jönköping! An half-an-hour walk through magical nature and you reach the top where you can enjoy the wonderful view while getting some drinks & food! There is also a very small souvenir shop where you can buy some hand-made things, herbs and spices. The owner of the shop came to me and started telling me the story of the trolls. There is this picture of a troll family and suddenly she started singing the wonderful and touching song and translated that it is about the troll mother, who holds her 11 troll babys safely together at their tails and sings them the most beautyful words she knows to bringt them to sleep... well, I also hope for some litle troll-puppies now out of my favorite troll April...

Taberg Taberg-Trolle April-Taberg

04.06.2013: After having a lovely breakfast outside (we had wondeful weather) Charlotte started trimming Rasmus! What a job to! ;-) We helped her and had some fun with Rasmus who looked like a true Viking prince afterwords. Auch da zeigt sich dieser zauberhafte Rüde wieder von seiner besten Seite, unglaublich geduldig und lieb! Schön getrimmt wurden erstmal steh-Fotos geschossen und dann durfte Rasmus frisch friesiert wieder zu seiner neuen Freundin April. Wir leinten die Beiden ab und wollten in den Stall gehen, da es tatsächlich ein wenig anfing zu nieseln, aber Rasmus und April liefen den Weg entlang und beschlossen sich in der freien Natur zu verpaaren... gut, dann eben so! Völlig selbstständig kam es also zum ebenso problemlosen zweiten Deckakt, das Hängen dauerte ca. 15 Minuten, April ist während dessen fast an meinem Bein eingeschlafen und hat ihren Kopf auf meinen Arm gelegt. Das Nieseln war schnell vorüber und die Sonne noch während des Deckens wieder da! Mission completed! Ich war happy, mehr als zwei Deckakte braucht es für mich persönlich nicht, auch wenn Rasmus & April das Ganze sicher gerne nochmal wiederholt hätten ;-) Nach dem Mittagessen wurde Rasmus dann abgeholt, es hieß Abschied nehmen, noch ein paar gemeinsame Bilder vom Traumpaar und dann hat Anders Rasmus mitgenommen... I tried everything, I would have taken him with me... This dog is a (my) dream! I would have loved to keep him with me! Directly! But I will remember this wonderful time with a smile on my face, our Sweden fairy-tale! For sure this hasn't been the last journey to this beautyful land in the high north!

April & Rasmus

03.06.2013: Today we started our journey to Hammarö to visit Charlotte, her dogs and Rasmus! After arriving at Hammarö we went on to go to Rasmus together. I was very happy that Charlotte decided to pick Rasmus up and take him with us so that I could spend lots of time together with him during the two days. Back at home we let April & Rasmus together and after some minutes of playing they had their first mating. I was happy that obviously it was the correct time for April and that the mating was succesful. We had a wonderful Barbecue at the veranda, the view over the fields, a glas of red wine - perfect! Nun folgte ein weiteres kleines Highlight, wir sind zu einem kleinen abend Spaziergang aufgebrochen, April war natürlich nicht dabei, sie durfte sich ausruhen und ja auch nicht in's Wasser, so dass sie später eine extra Runde mit mir gedreht hat (sie hätte eh die ganze Zeit an Rasmus rumgebaggert ;-)). Mit dabei waren also Rasmus, die drei Hündinnen Sunniva, Rosa & Lucia und fünf 10 Wochen alte Welpen aus den letzten Würfen! Es war ein wundervoller Weg durch die schwedische Natur, die Hunde liefen alle frei mit und die Welpen folgten uns aufmerksam. Und Rasmus... hach Rasmus... er ist einfach ein Traum von einem Rüden! Ihn zusammen mit den anderen Hündinnen und den Welpen zu sehen war so schön! Ich war ziemlich überwältigt von so viel Gastfreundschaft, tollen Eindrücken, Erlebnissen & wunderbaren Hunden!


02.06.2013: Today we have been in the Huskvarna nature reserve near Jönköping and enjoyed the view over the lake!

April voranApril-SchwedenApril&Lilly Jönköping

01.06.2013: Greetings from Jönköping! After 10 hours in the car we arrived in Sweden! Progesterone was 2,1 yesterday, so we will stay in Jönköping for the weekend and will go to see Charlotte & Rasmus in Hammarö on Monday! Until then we enjoy the nice weather with lots of walks through the lovely nature!

31.05.2013: Today, April and me will start our journey to Sweden by car! Took blood for progesterone again and now we're ready to go!

20.05.2013: April is in season! Perfect timing - again birth of puppies and the 8 weeks with them would be during my semester break!